Licensed Counselor & Educator
Licensed Counselor & Educator
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What is mental health?
A human being is one part psychology, one part biology. Biology, for example, the body, the brain are living matter. They are experienced through five biological senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing, taste. Psychology is power inside: Mind, Consciousness, Thought. With this unlimited power, a human being creates, experiences an idea, feeling, decision inside in live time, the origin of an action. Each one is also intangible. Understanding of, a decision about: a relationship, finances, education, job performance, biological health in live time originates from a level of understanding inside, created and experienced with the power inside.
By consciously investing in understanding the power inside at new, necessary levels, essential capabilities that exist inside can be accessed simply, consistently to understand and respond to the live event regardless the gravity of the live event from resilience, understanding, clarity rather than stress, insecurity, taking it personal.
You use the power inside in each live moment at the level you understand it. This is the same for each human being. Imagine a person required to use a chain saw that has had a great deal of education and supervised application with it. That individual is able to complete necessary tasks with it proactively, safely, skillfully. Imagine a person required to use a chain saw who has had a small amount of education and supervised application. This individual is more likely to create injury and destruction with it. This is a metaphor for proactively cultivating greater mental health inside rather than living in a lower level of mental health inside.
Click a button below to watch an interview:
mental health counseling with Faith's approach.
"Have some faith in yourself
and know that somewhere deep inside,
beyond your ego, beyond the personal self,
lies a beautiful flower waiting to unfold
and it is the light of knowledge
that will make it blossom."
~Sydney Banks
You use the power inside in each live moment at the level you understand it. This is the same for each human being. Imagine a person required to use a chain saw that has had a great deal of education and supervised application with it. That individual is able to complete necessary tasks with it proactively, safely, skillfully. Imagine a person required to use a chain saw who has had a small amount of education and supervised application. This individual is more likely to create injury and destruction with it. This is a metaphor for proactively cultivating greater mental health inside rather than living in a lower level of mental health inside.
Click a button below to watch a mental health
counseling interview about Faith's approach.
"Have some faith in yourself
and know that somewhere deep inside,
beyond your ego, beyond the personal self,
lies a beautiful flower waiting to unfold
and it is the light of knowledge
that will make it blossom."
~Sydney Banks
What is mental health?
Mental health is also the level of relationship knowledge cultivated inside. It is not about tools. Tools are strategies or coping mechanisms. Relationship knowledge is cultivated by discussing elements of a relationship with a mental health counselor and using the psychological operating system inside consciously throughout the discussion to learn, realize new levels of relationship knowledge. Then this new knowledge is applied consistently in live time, otherwise, the relationship is still being understood and created from lower levels of relationship knowledge inside. Relationship knowledge is also cultivated by learning how to use the psychological elements inside consciously and then applying this awareness in live time consistently.
Mental health, mental fitness is the level at which the psychological inside is understood. Nature created essential, amazing, powerful psychological capabilities inside. The level of mental health cultivated inside is the simplicity and consistency in which these essential psychological capabilities are accessed. Simply stated, in live time, the psychological operating system inside is used in a healthy, wise, skillful manner, for example, resilience, love, a realization; or it is used in a less healthy, conditioned manner, for example, stress, worry, taking it personally.
Faith's mental health counseling and education services are grounded in essential, leading-edge mental health facts. Facts are uncovered and universal. Psychology is a young science. A majority of psychology has been based on theories. Theories are educated guesses. They are created and believed.
Through the psychological inside, each relationship in the sun diagram above is experienced, understood, created, navigated, chosen. The psychological compounds created and experienced inside are a thought, a feeling, a decision, a mindset, learning. The source is the psychological elements inside: Mind, Consciousness, Thought. Each element is nature's power. Together, they are a psychological operating system, the original operating system.
Biology, the body, the brain provides the opportunity to act on the psychological inside. Biology is tangible living matter. Tangible living matter is experienced through the five biological senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing, taste. Acting on the psychological inside is a behavior. Examples are talking, walking, drinking, listening. A behavior is psychological. It is intangible, fleeting.
Click a sun below to watch a brief video.
Mental Health:
Foundation of Your Life
Cultivate Next Levels

What is mental health?
Faith's mental health counseling and education services are grounded in essential, leading-edge mental health facts. Facts are uncovered and universal. Psychology is a young science. A majority of psychology has been based on theories. Theories are educated guesses. They are created and believed.
Through the psychological inside, each relationship in the sun diagram above is experienced, understood, created and navigated. The psychological compounds created and experienced inside are a thought, a feeling, a decision, a mindset, learning. The source is the psychological elements inside: Mind, Consciousness, Thought. Each element is nature's power. Together, they are a psychological operating system, the original operating system.
Biology, the body, the brain provides the opportunity to act on the psychological inside. Biology is tangible living matter. Tangible living matter is experienced through the five biological senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing, taste. Acting on the psychological inside, a thought, a feeling, a decision, is a behavior. Examples are talking, walking, drinking, listening. A behavior is psychological. It is intangible, fleeting.
Mental health, mental fitness is the level at which the psychological inside is understood. The level of mental health cultivated inside is the simplicity and consistency in which fundamental psychological capabilities are understood and accessed in live time. When the psychological operating system inside is used in a healthy, wise, skillful manner, resilience, love, a realization are examples of what is allowed and experienced inside. When it is used in a less healthy, less aware, conditioned manner, stress, worry, taking it personally, being triggered are examples of what is experienced inside.
Mental health is also the level of relationship knowledge cultivated inside. It is how to, why to authentically connect, communicate and more, simply and consistently. It is not about learning "tools". Tools are strategies or coping mechanisms. Relationship knowledge is cultivated by discussing elements of a relationship with a mental health counselor. Then using the psychological operating system inside consciously throughout the discussion to realize, experience new levels of relationship knowledge. This new knowledge allows greater ease and understanding in navigating, developing and enjoying the relationship in live time, otherwise, the relationship is still being understood and developed from lower levels of relationship knowledge inside.
Relationship knowledge is also cultivated by learning how to use the psychological elements inside consciously, skillfully. Then apply this awareness in live time consistently.
For clarity, when "triggered", a metaphor is experiencing pain in your abdomen when it is touched. Rather than avoiding touching your abdomen, understanding, addressing, resolving the pain is the wise, the right thing to do. The triggered internal experience is communicating understand, address, heal what is occurring inside. This is freeing or expanding rather than constricting and shrinking your life.
"Have some faith in yourself
and know that somewhere deep inside,
beyond your ego, beyond the personal self,
lies a beautiful flower waiting to unfold
and it is the light of knowledge
that will make it blossom."
~Sydney Banks
"Have some faith in yourself
and know that somewhere deep inside,
beyond your ego, beyond the personal self,
lies a beautiful flower waiting to unfold
and it is the light of knowledge
that will make it blossom."
~Sydney Banks
grounded in Three Principles inside
Stress Reduction: Upgrade ability to self-calm, clear Mind inside in live time
Essential upgrades in
performance, enjoyment @
work, school simply, consistently
Fundamental, essential upgrades Mind-Body health
Heal, understand source of
trauma inside @ next levels
Relationships : develop next levels
communication, genuine connection, healthy boundaries, sense of self
Heal, understand symptom’s source inside, ie: anxiety, depression, impulsivity @ next levels
Quieter Mind inside
simply, consistently
Experience next levels leadership knowledge inside such as parenting; Essential for leaders & those they lead
Faith's approach
About Faith
Private practice since 2013
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional
Licensed School Psychologist
discern learning capabilities, learning disabilities,
learning styles, cultural tendencies
Licensed Special Education Teacher
Licensed Elementary Education Teacher
Previous approach for 20 years
Applied Behavior Analysis, principles of behavior
Innovative, genuine, knowledgeable, intuitive
Excels at problem solving
Faith's Approach
Initiated 1998,
Three Principles Psychology: power inside
Mind: nature's living energy
Consciousness: awareness
Thought: ability to create
like a magical paint brush inside
Together, psychological operating system inside
~ Internal source of a thought, feeling, decision,
behavior, mindset, learning each Now
Leading-edge, essential mental health facts uncovered rather than theories created and believed
Greater understanding of, access to essential
capabilities inside
psychological listening rather than thinking
resilience rather than stress
feelings of well-being rather than insecurity, fear
clarity rather than belief, intellectual understanding
innate wisdom ~ nature's guidance inside
~ source of connection, love, wise decisions,
authentic self, healing, discoveries, resolve
About Faith
Private practice since 2013
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional
Licensed School Psychologist
discern learning capabilities, learning disabilities,
learning styles, cultural tendencies
Licensed Special Education Teacher
Licensed Elementary Education Teacher
Previous approach for 20 years
Applied Behavior Analysis, principles of behavior
Innovative, genuine, knowledgeable, intuitive
Excels at problem solving
Faith's Approach
Initiated 1998,
Three Principles Psychology: power inside
Mind: nature's living energy
Consciousness: awareness
Thought: ability to create
like a magical paint brush inside
Together, psychological operating system inside
~ Internal source of a thought, feeling, decision, behavior, learning, mindset each Now
psychological listening rather than thinking
resilience rather than stress
feelings of well-being rather than insecurity, fear
clarity rather than belief, intellectual understanding
innate wisdom ~ nature's guidance inside
~ source of connection, love, wise decisions,
authentic self, healing, discoveries, resolve
Leading-edge, essential mental health facts uncovered rather than theories created and believed
Greater understanding of, access to essential capabilities inside
"At first I was very opposed to the intensive, but once I opened my mind to it, I realized it could be helpful for my mental health. I tend to be an over-thinker and because I had never known anything else, I didn’t even realize how it was affecting my mood and decisions. It took a few days for me to notice the effects of the intensive, but all of a sudden I could recognize “oh I’m anxious right now” or “oh I’m thinking right now” and once I noticed that, I could take the steps to ground myself and clear my head."
~M. Cruz
“Doing an intensive provided me the time and space to dig deeper into topics that were important to me to understand in therapy. In weekly appointments, I had found myself needing more time to discuss certain topics and experience realizations in real time. Rather than chipping away at an issue and returning to it in a following appointment, the intensive designates intentional time to focus on uprooting those issues.”
~Brianna A.
"I feel that the intensive experience is a chance to do a deep dive into your personal issues. Often, it is not effective to truncate sessions to the insurance recommended time constraints. The vast time of an intensive allows listening to innate wisdom, and that "aha" moment of realization to come through in the structured and nurturing environment."
~Michael P.
"After completing the intensive, I saw upgraded levels of consciousness and felt more power within myself. I felt like I had more authority to make my own decisions and discuss events that weren't covered in regular sessions. I also saw how I can listen deeper to allow myself to be in a calmer and resilient state of mind and handle situations more consciously. The intensive helped me realize that I have the power to control how I go about my life with certain feelings and thoughts."
~R. Shah
"Choosing to participate in an intensive allows you to investigate and understand your mind and discuss topics that can be difficult to address in regular sessions. In the intensive, Faith and I were able to thoroughly dig into deep topics, which allowed us to understand more about myself. After participating in one I felt completely changed: I understood the three principles much greater, I started feeling upgrades in my mental health, and I had more clarity and direction for areas of growth in future sessions."
~Ellie A.
Advanced, pragmatic, efficacious mental health counseling format
An Intensive is a practical, leading-edge mental health counseling format. Life keeps happening. Decisions need to be made. All the while, mental illness symptoms are being experienced inside. This format provides an opportunity to accelerate understanding and healing of symptoms' source. This is especially relevant to experiencing: a more quiet Mind inside, symptoms' source are originating from trauma or loss, there has been significant addiction issues in the past, or a fundamental upgrade in relationship knowledge.
Metaphor for conventional mental health counseling:
1-60 minute appointment a week regardless symptoms, symptom's source, diagnosis is like prescribing an aspirin for every physical illness. When the once or twice a week 60 minute appointment has been ineffective in reducing symptoms/behaviors, the tendency has been to increase the intensity of interventions such as medication, inpatient, partial hospital programs. Outcomes of these interventions has often been temporary relief of symptoms.
4 consecutive days, 4 hours a day, breaks tailored,
pre, post Intensive: three-105 minute appointments
Post Intensive, increased tendency: less likely inpatient, partial hospital program, increase medication, same rate and frequency of coping mechanisms, self-harm
Click an arrow to read the next testimonial.
"At first I was very opposed to the intensive, but once I opened my mind to it, I realized it could be helpful for my mental health. I tend to be an over-thinker and because I had never known anything else, I didn’t even realize how it was affecting my mood and decisions. It took a few days for me to notice the effects of the intensive, but all of a sudden I could recognize “oh I’m anxious right now” or “oh I’m thinking right now” and once I noticed that, I could take the steps to ground myself and clear my head."
~M. Cruz
“Doing an intensive provided me the time and space to dig deeper into topics that were important to me to understand in therapy. In weekly appointments, I had found myself needing more time to discuss certain topics and experience realizations in real time. Rather than chipping away at an issue and returning to it in a following appointment, the intensive designates intentional time to focus on uprooting those issues.”
~Brianna A.
"I feel that the intensive experience is a chance to do a deep dive into your personal issues. Often, it is not effective to truncate sessions to the insurance recommended time constraints. The vast time of an intensive allows listening to innate wisdom, and that "aha" moment of realization to come through in the structured and nurturing environment."
~Michael P.
"After completing the intensive, I saw upgraded levels of consciousness and felt more power within myself. I felt like I had more authority to make my own decisions and discuss events that weren't covered in regular sessions. I also saw how I can listen deeper to allow myself to be in a calmer and resilient state of mind and handle situations more consciously. The intensive helped me realize that I have the power to control how I go about my life with certain feelings and thoughts."
~R. Shah
"Choosing to participate in an intensive allows you to investigate and understand your mind and discuss topics that can be difficult to address in regular sessions. In the intensive, Faith and I were able to thoroughly dig into deep topics, which allowed us to understand more about myself. After participating in one I felt completely changed: I understood the three principles much greater, I started feeling upgrades in my mental health, and I had more clarity and direction for areas of growth in future sessions."
~Ellie A.
Reversing Hopelessness, Inc.
a nonprofit
Contact information
Faith Escudero,
Office: 1234 Broadway
Suite 7
Somerville, MA
Mission: Upgrade awareness of, access to essential, leading-edge mental health facts
through a variety of innovative public education initiatives and modalities

Learn more. Click a button below.
A critical, practical solution for a safer, healthier, more economically viable society that works together for the common good is greater access to fundamental mental health education, the origin of behavior, decisions and relationships. Key components are it is grounded in current facts rather than prevailing theories and psychology, mental health rather than biology, physical health. A metaphor is it is teaching individuals and families how to fish for a lifetime rather than giving them fish.
Reversing Hopelessness, Inc. is a non profit Faith founded. Below are key objectives.
1. Upgrade understanding of and access to resilience inside in live time, the ability to self-calm simply, consistently rather than live in stress; and listen with a clear, receptive state of Mind rather than believe misinformation or take it personally. Responding from resilience inside to a live event is responding from: accurate facts, wise judgement, one's authentic self rather than misunderstanding, reckless or harmful judgement, one's conditioned self
2. Upgrade understanding of and access to innate wisdom inside in live time, the unlimited source of feelings of well-being, clarity, connection, realizations, healing, common sense; the key to necessary, sustainable resolve in each area of one's life; the opposite of repeating the past, fear, insecurity, theories, misinformation, division
3. Upgrade levels of efficacy: mental health services/education, medical care, education, leadership
Paul John Escudero's Living Legacy is a Reversing Hopelessness, Inc initiative. While it assists with upgrading what is stated above, it addresses a fundamental aspect of mental health: addiction. When there are greater levels of awareness inside how to use the psychological operating system, it is simpler to live in feelings of well-being and self-calm in live time rather than depend on something on the outside to upgrade the feeling and state of Mind inside. That something can be a substance, an activity and/or a relationship.
Through a contribution today, please empower Reversing Hopelessness, Inc to assist with resolving the national mental health crisis. Click a button above to increase awareness and contribute. Contributions are tax deductible. We deeply appreciate you read this, you care and your faith in us through actions you have demonstrated.
All rights reserved. © 2024
Faith Escudero's Intellectual Property.