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grounded in Three Principles inside

"At first I was very opposed to the intensive, but once I opened my mind to it, I realized it could be helpful for my mental health. I tend to be an over-thinker and because I had never known anything else, I didn’t even realize how it was affecting my mood and decisions. It took a few days for me to notice the effects of the intensive, but all of a sudden I could recognize “oh I’m anxious right now” or “oh I’m thinking right now” and once I noticed that, I could take the steps to ground myself and clear my head."

~M. Cruz

“Doing an intensive provided me the time and space to dig deeper into topics that were important to me to understand in therapy. In weekly appointments, I had found myself needing more time to discuss certain topics and experience realizations in real time. Rather than chipping away at an issue and returning to it in a following appointment, the intensive designates intentional time to focus on uprooting those issues.”

~Brianna A.

"I feel that the intensive experience is a chance to do a deep dive into your personal issues. Often, it is not effective to truncate sessions to the insurance recommended time constraints. The vast time of an intensive allows listening to innate wisdom, and that "aha" moment of realization to come through in the structured and nurturing environment."

~Michael P.

"After completing the intensive, I saw upgraded levels of consciousness and felt more power within myself. I felt like I had more authority to make my own decisions and discuss events that weren't covered in regular sessions. I also saw how I can listen deeper to allow myself to be in a calmer and resilient state of mind and handle situations more consciously. The intensive helped me realize that I have the power to control how I go about my life with certain feelings and thoughts."

~R. Shah

"Choosing to participate in an intensive allows you to investigate and understand your mind and discuss topics that can be difficult to address in regular sessions. In the intensive, Faith and I were able to thoroughly dig into deep topics, which allowed us to understand more about myself. After participating in one I felt completely changed: I understood the three principles much greater, I started feeling upgrades in my mental health, and I had more clarity and direction for areas of growth in future sessions."

~Ellie A.

Advanced, pragmatic, efficacious mental health counseling format

An Intensive is a practical, leading-edge mental health counseling format. Life keeps happening. Decisions need to be made. All the while, mental illness symptoms are being experienced inside. This format provides an opportunity to accelerate understanding and healing of symptoms' source. This is especially relevant to experiencing: a more quiet Mind inside, symptoms' source are originating from trauma or loss, there has been significant addiction issues in the past, or a fundamental upgrade in relationship knowledge.

Metaphor for conventional mental health counseling:

1-60 minute appointment a week regardless symptoms, symptom's source, diagnosis is like prescribing an aspirin for every physical illness. When the once or twice a week 60 minute appointment has been ineffective in reducing symptoms/behaviors, the tendency has been to increase the intensity of interventions such as medication, inpatient, partial hospital programs. Outcomes of these interventions has often been temporary relief of symptoms.

4 consecutive days, 4 hours a day, breaks tailored,
pre, post Intensive: three-105 minute appointments

Post Intensive, increased tendency: less likely inpatient, partial hospital program, increase medication, same rate and frequency of coping mechanisms, self-harm

Click a button below to watch an Intensive interview.

An Intensive is a practical, leading-edge mental health counseling format. Life keeps happening. Decisions need to be made. All the while, mental illness symptoms are being experienced inside. This format provides an opportunity to accelerate understanding and healing of symptoms' source. This is especially relevant to experiencing: a more quiet Mind inside, symptoms' source are originating from trauma or loss, there has been significant addiction issues in the past, or a fundamental upgrade in relationship knowledge.

Metaphor for conventional mental health counseling:

1-60 minute appointment a week regardless symptoms, symptom's source, diagnosis is like prescribing an aspirin for every physical illness. When the once or twice a week 60 minute appointment has been ineffective in reducing symptoms/behaviors, the tendency has been to increase the intensity of interventions such as medication, inpatient, partial hospital programs. Outcomes of these interventions has often been temporary relief of symptoms.

4 consecutive days, 4 hours a day, breaks tailored,
pre, post Intensive: three-105 minute appointments

Post Intensive, increased tendency: less likely inpatient, partial hospital program, increase medication, same rate and frequency of coping mechanisms, self-harm

Click an arrow to read the next testimonial.

"At first I was very opposed to the intensive, but once I opened my mind to it, I realized it could be helpful for my mental health. I tend to be an over-thinker and because I had never known anything else, I didn’t even realize how it was affecting my mood and decisions. It took a few days for me to notice the effects of the intensive, but all of a sudden I could recognize “oh I’m anxious right now” or “oh I’m thinking right now” and once I noticed that, I could take the steps to ground myself and clear my head."

~M. Cruz

“Doing an intensive provided me the time and space to dig deeper into topics that were important to me to understand in therapy. In weekly appointments, I had found myself needing more time to discuss certain topics and experience realizations in real time. Rather than chipping away at an issue and returning to it in a following appointment, the intensive designates intentional time to focus on uprooting those issues.”

~Brianna A.

"I feel that the intensive experience is a chance to do a deep dive into your personal issues. Often, it is not effective to truncate sessions to the insurance recommended time constraints. The vast time of an intensive allows listening to innate wisdom, and that "aha" moment of realization to come through in the structured and nurturing environment."

~Michael P.

"After completing the intensive, I saw upgraded levels of consciousness and felt more power within myself. I felt like I had more authority to make my own decisions and discuss events that weren't covered in regular sessions. I also saw how I can listen deeper to allow myself to be in a calmer and resilient state of mind and handle situations more consciously. The intensive helped me realize that I have the power to control how I go about my life with certain feelings and thoughts."

~R. Shah

"Choosing to participate in an intensive allows you to investigate and understand your mind and discuss topics that can be difficult to address in regular sessions. In the intensive, Faith and I were able to thoroughly dig into deep topics, which allowed us to understand more about myself. After participating in one I felt completely changed: I understood the three principles much greater, I started feeling upgrades in my mental health, and I had more clarity and direction for areas of growth in future sessions."

~Ellie A.

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